How to Clean Mirrors

Cleaning Instructions

1) The best and safest cleaner for a mirror is clean, warm water used with a soft, lint-free cloth. Be careful not to allow the edges of the mirror to become or remain wet over a period of time.

2) Never spray any cleaner directly onto a mirror. Instead apply the cleaner to a soft cloth and then wipe the mirror. This will also prevent “puddling” at the mirror edge where the cleaner could attack the backing.

3) If that does not work, use commercial cleaner that does not contain ammonia, vinegar, acid or alkali cleaner. All of these can attack the front surface edges and baking of the mirror resulting in black edge.

4) Do not use acid or alkali cleaners for mirror cleanup after installation. They can attack both, the surface and edges as well as the backing of the mirror. And never use abrasive cleaner on any mirror surface.

5) Remove surface marks or stubborn dirt with 0000 oil-free steel wool, not solvents. Solvents attack and damage the edges and backing.

6) Always use soft, grit-free cloths when cleaning a mirror to reduce chances of scratching the surface.

7) Be sure to dry all joints and edges thoroughly to be certain that no commercial cleaner comes in contact with the edge and backing. Be sure to let your customers know that routine cleaning maintenance can be accomplished simply and effectively by washing, rinsing and drying the mirror.


Note that Meek’s mirror warranty is voided when using cleaners containing ammonia, vinegar, acid or alkali. The use of these cleaners is evident by the black edge of a mirror.

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