Mirror Mirror on the... Fridge Panel?? Opinions please
Hi Guys
I'm back w/ more obsessing about the best way to panel my fridge and "appliance cabinet." For those who don't know the background
- I want my fridge to completely blend in and be hidden and look like a beautiful piece of furniture (it's a bosch single door fully intergrated and I have a great custom cabinet maker so the logistics of this shouldn't be a problem)
- I have a lot going on in the kitchen, aesthetics wise, and I don't want things to be too busy. But I do want the kitchen to be "glamorous."
- I don't cook ever. This kitchen is purely to look pretty and display dishes. Any cleaning/fingerprint issues that may or may not arise would not be a concern.
So, I have gone through numerous iterations for what to panel my fridge with and I am still torn on what to do and don't think I just want the basic cab front. So, now I'm thinking mirrors. I think they'll reflect my glass china cabinet wall and create symmetry and look cool and make the piece look nice, like an armoire. But is that strange? Will it be too much? Pros and cons?
Here is the general layout/design of the kitchen (it won't be quite like this- the end of the island probably won't have the frilly details and the sink backsplash will just be marble- this was an earlier iteration):